+31 (0)6 13328232       info@luzazultrainingen.nl
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  • English


Luz azul’s client list includes, among many others

  • BiD Network
  • Cordaid
  • Crown Worldwide
  • Fair Wear Foundation
  • Greenpeace International
  • IBI (Intercultural Business Improvement)
  • Igalia
  • intercultures
  • Japan Intercultural Institute
  • MDF (Management for Development Foundation)
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Security and Justice
  • National Safety Board
  • Nijenrode Business University
  • Oxfam
  • RIVM
  • VMI
  • Universities of Amsterdam, Leiden, Tilburg, Twente, Utrecht
  • Universities of Applied Sciences of Rotterdam, Breda
  • ZOA Refugee Care

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Masterclass Brain, Mind & Culture

On October 18, 2024 the next Masterclass Brain, Mind and Culture of Japan Intercultural Institute starts. This Masterclass is a blended learning course (webinars-podcasts-online learning) that introduces the latest insights of culture, brain and mind sciences to those living and working interculturally. You will gain a deeper understanding of the psychology of intercultural experiences, including: culture and cognition, biases, and deep culture learning and transformation. You will learn to be a more insightful interculturalist and learn how to encourage intercultural learning in others. Joseph Shaules and Yvonne van der Pol are your facilitators.

© Luz azul training, consulting & coaching