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Online & Blended learning

The surplus value of online and blended learning

Deepening your own intercultural knowledge at times that you prefer, but together with others is possible with today’s online tools. Luz azul is qualified as an online and blended trainer and integrates face-to-face course with online training, taking advantage of the surplus value of intercultural learning.

Personal learning process

Almost no one can perform interculturally effectively out of the blue. Intercultural competence involves a personal learning process in which daily practice and constant reflection on one’s experiences are key topics. This process can stretch out over weeks, and sometimes months, because change needs time. In regular face-to-face training courses Luz azul preferably spreads out the training days, working with mid-term assignments and action plans. Learning by means of process is the starting point in the online and blended learning programs: examining deeply the intercultural topics in one’s work in both a structured and organic way.

SPOC and webinars

In both a SPOC (Small Private Online Course) as well as in a series of webinars, study is done completely online. As a SPOC participant, you can log in to our portal any time you wish, where you can take part in discussions, watch videos and read blogs in a relatively short period of time, along with an ever expanding peer group. Webinars are ideal for virtual teams, who log in at a specific time, to simultaneously work on deepening their intercultural challenges

Blended program Intercultural Effectiveness

The blended learning program for Intercultural Effectiveness, is a perfect combination of online and face-to-face learning. The starting point stems from the personal intercultural questions and challenges you face at work. Participants then follow their own path through the intercultural competences, which are coached individually, thus allowing you to delve more deeply into your case studies and strengthen your intercultural skills during the live face-to-face training days.

Of course all programs are tailor-made.

What Luz azul’s clients say

“My goal in participating in this blended learning trajectory was to focus myself again on my international and intercultural working experience. Also, I wanted to enhance my theoretical background in this field. Both goals were more than met – not least through Yvonne being an excellent facilitator, making sure my learning and focus got the right attention.” (HRM consultant)

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We are a very small part of a very big picture

“We are citizens of space and stewards of Earth. We need to take actions to build a global climate alliance in order to protect our environment” — Soichi Noguchi, Japanese astronaut

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